Table 1

Workflow of data input into the registry platform

Pre-operativeIntra-operativeDay of dischargePost-operative
(up to 90 days)
Informed consent (written)
Inclusion/Exclusion criteria met (screening)
Assignment of unique patient identifier
Demographics (age, sex, weight, height)
Surgical history
ASA disease status classification
Operative time*
Estimated blood loss†
Conversion to laparoscopy/open/other technique
Additional laparoscopic instruments used
Blood transfusion units used
Return to OR within 24 hours of surgery
Length of hospital stay‡
Hospital readmission within 30 days
Mortality within 90 days of surgery
  • Grey shading indicates outcome(s) recorded at each stage.

  • *From first skin incision to skin closure.

  • †>500 mL or <500 mL.

  • ‡Date of surgery to date of discharge.

  • §Recorded with Clavien-Dindo classification.

  • ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; OR, operating room.