Table 2

Hashtag variables designed to capture IBE+VBX specific information and supplement data within the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI)

#Hashtag VariableVariable definition and help text
#R_internal_branch_dev_XWas an iliac branched device used? (0=no; 1=yes)
#R_internal_branch_mfg_XName of manufacturer and device used for the internal iliac component. (0=Gore internal iliac branch component; 1=VBX stent graft used for internal branch; 2=used other stent graft for branch, 3=Gore internal branch component and VBX stent graft used)
#R_IBE_prox_diam_XXIBE mainbody labelled diameter in mm.
#R_IBE_prox_length_XXIBE mainbody labelled length in mm.
#R_IBE_dist_ext_diam_XXDistal IBE iliac labelled diameter in mm.
#R_IBE_dist_int_diam_XXDevice labelled diameter in mm for the most distal component in the internal iliac artery.
#R_IBE_dist_int_length_XXDevice labelled length in mm for the most distal component in the internal iliac artery.
#L_internal_branch_dev_XWas an iliac branched device used? (0=no; 1=yes)
#L_internal_branch_mfg_XName of manufacturer and device used for the internal iliac component. (0=Gore internal iliac branch component; 1=VBX stent graft used for internal branch; 2=used other stent graft for branch, 3=Gore internal branch component and VBX stent graft used)
#L_IBE_prox_diam_XXIBE mainbody labelled diameter in mm.
#L_IBE_prox_length_XXIBE mainbody labelled length in mm.
#L_IBE_dist_ext_diam_XXDistal IBE iliac labelled diameter in mm.
#L_IBE_dist_int_diam_XXDevice labelled diameter in mm for the most distal component in the internal iliac artery.
#L_IBE_dist_int_length_XXDevice labelled length in mm for the most distal component in the internal iliac artery.
  • IBE, Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis; VBX, GOREĀ® VIABAHNĀ® VBX Balloon Expandable Endoprosthesis.