Table 3

Usability Questionnaire of the Sirius Endoscope System using a 1–5 Likert scale for each question (1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=neither agree nor disagree; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree)

Articulated tipMean score Likert scaleSD
The presence of the 3 df articulated tip is beneficial to the surgery3.930.47
When using the joystick to control the articulation, the response time is satisfactory3.430.76
The articulated tip movement including C-shaped or S-shaped bending can provide a wider field of view during surgery3.930.62
Recognition of details/anatomy is satisfactory3.500.65
Color brilliance is satisfactory3.000.96
Illumination/brightness is sufficient3.290.83
Field of view is satisfactory3.930.47
Stability of the image is satisfactory (image glitch, disconnection…etc)3.290.73
Overall, the image quality is satisfactory3.360.50
The Sirius Endoscope is easy to set-up3.710.47
Time for preparation/setup is satisfactory3.710.47
Overall, I am satisfied with the set-up procedure3.710.47
The Sirius Endoscope System is compatible with the procedure3.710.73
The Sirius Endoscope System was easy to use3.430.85
When using the joystick to control the articulated tip, the response time is satisfactory3.070.62
Weight of the endoscope handle is satisfactory3.140.86
Ergonomics of the Sirius Endoscope is satisfactory3.290.61
Sterile and non-sterile areas are clearly identifiable during setup/surgery/takedown3.710.61
Overall I am satisfied with the Sirius Endoscope System3.570.65