Table 1

Tissue Trauma Scoring criteria

Trauma ScoreCellular architecture
Grade 0 (no trauma to the serosa)Nuclei of serosal and bounding muscularis externa cells are smooth, oval and uniformly shaped.
Grade 1 (minor trauma to the serosa)Elongation and mild hyperchromasia of nuclei in muscle/connective tissue in both the serosa and muscularis propria externa outer longitudinal layer, but in less than 50% of cells in our region of interest (ROI), representing trauma to the cells.
Grade 2 (significant trauma to the serosa)Clear and significant damage to the serosa and muscularis propria externa outer longitudinal layer, with more than 50% of nuclei in the cells in our ROI appearing significantly elongated and thinned and there is the presence of multiple hyperchromatic nuclei.
Grade 3 (complete denudation of the serosa)The serosa and muscularis externa longitudinal layers are both compressed, with evidence of denudation of the serosa and trauma extending to the muscularis propria inner circular layer.