Table 3

Logistic regression model features

Target stress (σ)The peak compressive stress in the tissue measured in MPa induced by the pin plate’s compression of that tissue at the target load.
Target durationThe length of time in seconds in which the indentation pin holds its end position in contact with the tissue, measured in seconds.
Compression durationThe length of time in seconds in which the tissue is being actively compressed before the target stress is reached.
Contact stiffnessThe lowest measured stiffness (MPa) which occurs at initial contact, where stiffness is defined as stress/strain.
Target stiffnessThe maximum measured stiffness (MPa) which occurs when the target stress is achieved, where stiffness is defined as stress/strain.
Relaxation stressThe decrease in stress on the tissue (in MPa) as the indentation pin holds its position and tissue components such as fluids shift causing a dynamic reduction in stiffness.
Initial thicknessThe initial contact thickness of the tissue in mm.
Target strain (ε)The peak compressive strain (per cent deformation) that the indentation pin induces in the tissue relative to its initial thickness.