Through this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of identifying and aggregating low-cost real-world medical device data into one registry under the intention of device monitoring and informing regulatory decisions. We identified 30 patients who were treated with 37 implantations of GORE VIABAHN VBX Balloon Expandable Endoprosthesis as a substitute for the internal iliac limb in a GORE EXCLUDER IBE. Demographic and short-term outcomes data for these patients were successfully collected across participating centres and, ultimately, compiled for evaluation. This evaluation demonstrated no postoperative complications including myocardial infarction or leg embolisations, no reported in-hospital reinterventions, and no 30-day perioperative deaths. This work demonstrates the potential to assess and report on short-term outcomes while expanding the types of data available for use in both research and regulatory reporting.
Efforts to expand the types and sources of data used for medical device and pharmaceutical evaluation and monitoring have been put forth by the FDA.8 9 Through these efforts, the Medical Device Epidemiology Network was established in 2010 as a public–private partnership to create a national patient-centred medical device evaluation and surveillance system.10 In 2016, the National Evaluation System for health Technology Coordinating Centre (NESTcc) was established in order to address the lack of high-quality, near real-time, and low-cost evidence regarding medical devices.8 11 Since their inception, these organisations have supported and acknowledged the development and use of new medical device evidence generation and evaluation.12–15
In addition to this test case, NESTcc has funded additional work exploring the feasibility of using real-world data sources as a means of exploring off-label medical device uses.16 These test cases pertain to an array of medical devices and include cardiac ablation catheters, soft tissue thermal ablation devices, and cardiac devices used in the treatment of paediatric patients with congenital heart diseases.16 Through the support of NESTcc, these projects, including ours, are exploring the ability to capture necessary data, evaluate if the data are of appropriate quality, and if there is a sufficient sample size available to support future regulatory submissions. If successful, these test cases may outline data collection mechanisms which may be used to expand the indications for use and inform physicians about treatment options for patients.
Through these mechanisms, realistic generation of data which could be used to inform regulatory decisions or support indication expansions would require longer-term follow-up data. The data collected through this work included procedural, predischarge, and 30-day mortality events. Thirty-day outcomes, such as these, can be considered reflective of procedural safety. While this is informative, regulatory authorities will often require data demonstrating durability of the treatment past this time period in order to make their assessments. The ability to collect follow-up data to combine with periprocedural data represents a practical hurdle for this data collection mechanism. Future efforts should include outcome events beyond this window.
This work has limitations. As a feasibility study, the final sample size from which outcomes were derived is limited and may not represent the larger experience with off-label IBE+VBX stent graft use. While certainly feasible, as demonstrated by this study, gathering and assimilating real-world evidence under the intention of device monitoring does face challenges and has limitations. First, data is siloed within health systems where it is catalogued and stored in unique ways. As a result, each participating site had to develop a unique case identification process tailored to their specific data organisational scheme. The number of potential cases identified by each strategy was variable and likely stems from the unique nature of each data source and the resultant search strategy. Ultimately, the ability of each of these unique approaches to identify the true number of cases at each site is unknown. Second, the ability to perform centralised data auditing was limited. Data collection was performed separately at each individual site and, once collected, transferred to the coordinating centre. While efforts were made to establish clear variable definitions and each site conducted individual data audits, the compiled data could not be cross-referenced with the electronic medical record to ensure accuracy and reliability. Additionally, the variables included were built on those routinely collected by the VQI. While robust, these variables do not allow for the same granularity as chart review analyses. For example, the VQI limits the number of devices listed as implanted in the iliac to three. Should more devices have been implanted, they would not be captured in the current VQI framework. Similarly, using the VQI modules as they exist now presents an inherent limitation in long-term follow-up and the data available which would be necessary to evaluate device efficacy and durability. Finally, the data transfer process required mirroring DUAs between each participating site and the coordinating centre. Navigating these data permissions was complex but an essential aspect of collaborative work such as this. These challenges and limitations pose as areas for future innovation and improvement to allow for more robust, widespread and efficient data collection.
In conclusion, we have demonstrated that real-world evidence, as it pertains to an unapproved combination of endovascular devices (IBE+VBX stent graft), can be identified, gathered, and integrated with the intention of evaluating short term outcomes. This success opens the possibility of using such an approach, applied more broadly and with efforts to address the limitations unveiled through this work, as a means of generating data for device monitoring, submission to regulatory agencies, or for consideration in indications expansions and approval.